Originally <a href='/showthread.php?p=18648660'>posted</a> on 05/11/2013:

Actually when I was young, I drank a large amount of diet soda, but then you don't know any better when you are 13.

In any case, I was diagnosed as a severe diabetic, as I would suffer what appeared to be severe blood sugar attacks, break out into cold sweats, faint after 2 hours without eating, etc. It was actually making normal functioning extremely difficult, and I was always sick. I'd turn pale, start cold sweating, and become faint on a daily basis. The symptoms were almost identical to that which would be suffered by an elderly person with severe diabetes without the bodily degeneration that comes with lifelong diabetes.

I received treatment as a diabetic, and part of that treatment was to actually switch to aspartame instead of glucose, and it did not help the symptoms in any way, in fact they just kept getting worse and worse. Went to go see (one of the few) REPUTABLE (and I can not stress that word enough, because most of these people are flakes) naturopaths in the city, after some questioning he diagnosed me with acute aspartame poisoning in less then 20 minutes.

I cut out the aspartame, and 2 weeks later I was fine, and it has never been a problem ever again.

This stuff is extremely toxic, and granted, I still pound back the beers and smoke like a goddamn chimney, so I'm not trying to preach about healthy living to anyone, but this stuff is horrible.