Originally posted on 04/26/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by Carseller4 View Post
yisman: When I got a 1000 point donation from the guy giving away all his points, did I not send you 1200 from it? Wasn't it the biggest payment week I had in a while?

no1here: Do you have a habit of making deals then crying about it to Shari after the fact? Or did Shari just take it upon herself to cancel our deal.

Shari: 1st time was pretty funny, 2nd time a little annoying, 3rd time is a total travesty. You want to let no1here off the hook? Great then you send me 800 from your account, and stop messing with me.

Not happy about this and want some answers.

Who is responsible for my debt now that no1here decided to take it over, and yisman accepted?

Sounds like a formal deal between 2 respected posters. I didn't ask for this to happen.

Just want to know WTF is going on.
What you continually fail to acknowledge, explain or any of the sort is how you completely broke your "stake" agreement with no1here. Your agreement was that you were going to play the daily tourneys and send no1here 80% of anything you won. It was not dont play any daily tournaments so there was no chance of winning anything to send him 80% of.

So basically you broke your deal and instead of his 800 being used as a "stake" its instead a loan or outright theft, which was strictly forbidden per your terms from Shari. SO please explain how no1here is the POS in this scenario?

So using the excuse of Im not winning anything in poker so 80% of 0 is 0 doesnt work as you yourself have even acknowledged your agreement included you playing the daily tourneys.