Originally posted on 03/22/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by touchback View Post
Sharp Legion... good looking out. Gotta laugh, BC finally gets a little traction on SBR and whack. It is all the forums fault for alerting the boys and or the MODs not editing content and now whack a mole. Policies overall are for a reason and the reasons are pretty good, I would stick to my position if I was a MOD or SBR policy if I were them about content. Now all the complainers have possibly some very viable reasoning behind SBRs policies about content that can or cannot be posted. I would advise adhering or supporting MOD and or SBR decisions when it comes to content to keep this tool, the Forum, as powerful an asset as it can be to and or for players... just saying.
PS I do not agree with all of them, like all my toys being taken away but many are supported by good reasons that OPs do not understand or are not aware of.
Incomprehensible post.