Originally posted on 03/05/2013:

ok...u'll probably dodge the bullet on this one...now for the love of mike will u add some bet-size discipline to your game

decide how many units u actually have...and never put more than 5% of 'em into a single play...

swingin huge x's has no effect on your account's growth path...it just increases variance...which increases your "risk of ruin"...as the swings get bigger the probability of being wiped out by a down wave increase dramatically...

if you continue to just keep pulling huge numbers of units, and escalating them until u're finally "up" again...it just lends credence to those claiming your units are made of nothing but air

...again, i'm not a detractor...just a voice of moderaation and reason...

in general i appreciate your plays (they come from your "head")...but your bet-sizes I totally ignore (they come from your "stomach" for playing chicken unnecessarily with your "bankroll" or what some suspect is an "endless stack of air chips")