Originally <a href='/showthread.php?p=17975634'>posted</a> on 03/02/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by Tully Mars 63 View Post
The US currently has one of the lowest tax rates Vs. GDP of all industrialized nations and a military budget larger than the next 16-20 nations combined. Our deficit is now over 16 trillion, more then any other nation (I think.) This not to mention the current tax rates are at nearly all time historical lows begs the question what are we doing wrong? The rights answer? Our taxes are too high. Yet few on the right were bitching about spending all this money until the GOP lost the Oval Office. Back when Bush held the office it was "deficits don't matter" and anyone who questioned why we were doing these things and spending this money was label non-patriotic or a traitor. Bush never vetoed one spending bill. Couple trillion borrowed for war? No problem. A few trillion in tax cuts (to stimulate the economy, I forget how'd that work out? How was the economy doing during bush's last 6 months in office?) never mind it was no problem. A few hundred billion on a senior Rx plan, no problem. Now nearly all spending is bad and "big government" is to blame for all the nations ills. How quickly some change their tune.

Boggles the mind.
Deflect and blame Bush, how original.

Actually if you read the original post again I don't mention anything about party affiliation or spending. Wars and their expense are a whole other issue. A superpower bullying and warmongering for selfish gains, while disturbing and immoral to many people, is far from anything new. That's the cold hard truth.

What is quite new is the sweeping policy of giving people who have demonstrated an inability to make sound decisions in their own lives the opportunity to make decisions that affect the rest of the population through voting. If incarcerated felons can lose the right to vote, why can't other drains to society?

What is so disturbing is how shortsighted these policies are. Practices that couldn't keep an aquarium viable have become accepted policy in our country. People who can't feed themselves or intelligently choose a mate are unnaturally selected and encouraged to vote, ensuring their success and a "growth" of their way of life