Originally posted on 01/16/2013:

Thanks for the response. I'm not sure you're giving the service enough credit, since I regularly see 2.5+ point moves from release in a relatively short time frame. And any issues caused by the natural buy-back on the movement would be alleviated by the fact that you would be waiting to hit a key number post-release to hammer it before the 'others' hit the number. Also, I understand the ethics argument, but when it comes to sports betting, it seems a bit out of touch... If we were all so ethical, wouldn't we be calling each bookmaker to adjust their line when an incorrect opening line varied significantly from power ratings numbers? Or waiting to bet a game until after news of a significant injury was made public? Isn't the whole point to take advantage of the numbers to earn profits? Really, any trick or technique that furthers that aim is definitely in play if you ask me. As far as keeping it a secret, this would be a very rare occurrence.. get in, get out and they never know when the next one is coming til it's too late.