Originally <a href='/showthread.php?p=17429726'>posted</a> on 01/09/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by gregm View Post
SBR is killing it in Uzbekistan. loshak is worshipped like a tribal god in some of the rural areas there
very true and very weird

marketing came to me one day and said apparently I am from some royal goat owning clan or something there, I am from the "Uzbeki Loshaks" and they now love sbr because of me and want to meet me or something

I was like what the fuk are you talking about?

so the marketing people put some Uzbeki spokeman in touch with me and he was like "YOU ARE A MEMBER OF THE GREAT LOSHAK CLAN OF UZBEKISTAN!" and i was like ok great and he was like "WE REVERE YOU AND ADORE YOU AND WE ALL WATCH YOUR VIDEOS!" and i was like thanks pal and he was like "WILL YOU COME TO UZBEKISTAN FOR A WONDERFUL VISIT!" and i was like no

guy fukin creeps me out