Originally posted on 01/06/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by UK_gixxer View Post
completely agree, S1 most likely sees the most C and D bets because S1 sees the most games, period.

Problem is, peopl are coming in and starting the system like today, and they don't have the 40+ units that the system is already up, so when they get hit with an 18 unit loss, they freak out.
Which is why bookies will never sway system bettors away. Most gamblers in general lack the disclipline to "see things though".

Most hit the panic button once variance shows it's ugly head and run for the hills.

No matter what type of wagering you do... you must stay the course.

I would say maybe 15% of people on these forums are capable of riding out the smallest of storms.

It is sad to see such a lack of discipline... but that is how Vegas got built I guess.