Originally posted on 01/05/2013:

Emily lives in Canada. Not sure why he cares so much about America going down the tube but he has for a while. Repub's definitely got the fuzzy end of the lollipop in this deal. Dems did a great job of making it seem like all they were fighting for was top wage earners to pay a couple extra dollars in taxes but don't be fooled. Obama is a former U of Chicago professor - that is where the free-market theory of economics was basically developed and is what caused us to have such a prosperous 20 years until recently. He knows what he is doing is wrong but he is one of, if not the, weakest president to ever serve. He rode anti-Bush sentiment to term 1, and rode completely unethical politicking to term 2.

Read some of the interviews from exit pollers in Florida, Ohio and other "swing" states. when asked why voters voted for who they did - some LITERALLY said "I can't drive, someone came and picked me up and said they would drive me to vote if I voted for Obama"

We had by far the dumbest voters in American history - there is no doubt in my mind the collective IQ of the voting public last year was the lowest by a measurable margin than in any other year. The US is a scary place to consider starting a family in right now!!