Originally posted on 11/26/2012:

Just an FYI to everyone:

Over the last five or ten years, there has become a popular phenomenon called "trolling". It used to be something quite sophisticated that took place very subtly across divisive message boards and forums as a means of disinformation or propaganda direction. Now it's mainly used as a rationalization to pre-tween stoners posting bollocks. Nowadays "trolls", as they hope they'll be known by, merely post utter shit on message threads because they took a bongload and can't get laid. Their success is measured by how riled up people get. It's a meager achievement to be sure.

Regardless, if you are mindful to people who post things that are bitter and illogical, just ignore them. Thank you. Feel free to ignore me too. The less everyone says the better; it's Sando we're here to see.