Originally <a href='/showthread.php?p=16846202'>posted</a> on 11/20/2012:

Zach a little advice, these guys are horrible people on forum & in life. They hounded me for a guy who showed no humanity during a time of grieving and loss. They only care about the points. Some of them If I met in real life I'd be on trial for assault at the minimum. They are scum. But in this case they are absolutely right. TryTryTry caused you no harm.

I do see where your coming from, but this is a life lesson you obviously need to learn. You wanted a way to put a dent in this loan, you were looking for help from Tx3; but you did not ask in the way you should of. When you need help from someone you ask politely and with something they need/want.

In this case do you not think it was in try's best interest to help you so the loan could be repaid? Lenders will do add-ons but you have to show them how the extra risk can be both diverted & profitable. It has got to be in their best interest. You basically said, Lend me more or your stiffed. You should of said Try can I add on a small amount say 200pts for a jump in interest so I can bet small games to make reasonable dents in my total.