Originally posted on 11/13/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by killersweet View Post
Love the ignorance. It is not a Swastika. It is an ancient Indian religious Symbol! Think before you Ink.
Ignorance? Pretty sure the general population on this forum would assume that to be a swastika. And I'm pretty sure, that unless you are Indian or a very culturally astute person, you would not recognize that as an "ancient indian religious symbol." I'm also pretty sure that Laker_crazy knows that people don't know the origin of the symbol...So my question is this: why would you put out a symbol so obviously and easily associated with Nazism and hate if you didn't intend that to be the response?

I am much more relieved to find out that it is indeed a religious symbol rather than a promotion of the nazi party. but still the question remains, why is it necessary to have it at all, if it will be so commonly confused? completely unnecessary and still offensive.