Originally posted on 10/23/2012:

This fella is lying. No doubt about it. You can tell from his attitude an also from his pathetic story about the wife's surgery. If that was true he would have probably kept it more private. He maybe even would embarrassed to have his wife's life tied up in gambling.
This is what I reckon happened:
There is something wrong with his account or deposits and Pinnacle is delaying his withdrawal until they invesigate. When his withdrawal was denied he then contacted Pinnacle CS and made up this story of the hole in the heart hoping that Pinnacle would take pity on him and hurry to pay him without completing their investigation. When plan A failed and they still asked him to wait then came plan B.
He started abusing (and we all know he is very good at it) and thtreatening of going public in all the forums, including the best known SBR forum. Obviously then they blocked him out of CS and sent him a polite automatic e-mail apologizing for the delay...
Then came plan C. He carries out his threats and posts in the forum, hoping that someone from Pinnacle is reading or someone from SBR would report back to Pinnacle:
Hey guys, this fella is serious. He is posting on our forum that he is gonna get Mulder and Scully from the FBI to look into his case. And also he is gonna appear in the Jerry Springer show.
, and hope that Pinnacle will shit down their pants and pay him on a rush.
Now all we have to do is wait to see what plan D is. It could be D for disappear, because he has gone very quiet.

And if you still have any doubt if he is lying or not, just think: how could an idiot like this be even married?

And now I sit back and enjoy all the abuse that will soon be coming my way. I have to admit, he is good for a laugh, but it is a pity that scammers like this one come in and waste SBR staff's time and resources, and even abuse the same member of SBR that was trying to help him.