Originally posted on 10/20/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by mikejamm View Post

And the question still remains, Why would a guy who made millions "firing people" and "closing companies", (Romney's exact words), want a job that only pays 400K a year? Just to stroke his rich fuk'in ego and nothing more. He couldn't get passed McCain in '08, and common sense will prevail here in 2012. But hey, Romney can always try to buy his way in again in 2016, he's got nothing else worthy to waste his ill gotten millions on. Building mansions and car elevators probably does get pretty fuk'in boring after a while.
Beacause most of his supporters just see him as being rich and they think someday they will be rich. These dim bulbs have no clue how he made his money and couldn't care less. They just don't have it in them to educate themselves about the subject and rather listen to talking points and run with those. Anyone who thinks this guy is a great businessman because he is rich and doesn't know how he became rich is gullible, and anyone who thinks it is great is a despicable human being.