Originally posted on 09/21/2012:

Not that I have any real frame of reference with your exchanges, but in Dwight's defense,

sometimes trying to have an adult discussion with a liberal is so discombobulating your mind disintegrates and you find yourself only capable of communicating in the same juvenile wavelength they are.

Same thing happened to me a while back trying to discuss things with Nasaki. There just came this point where I had read so much of his disconnected absurdity my brain imploded. About the only comparable response I could come up with was "Nasaki has a small a penis." Eventually he shut the hell up.

If you really care about raising the standard of discourse in this country, I would suggest doing your best to convince your liberal pals that feelings are not facts, and facts are always open to interpretation.

The majority of liberals I encounter seem so emotionally invested in their point of view that the moment it's challenged the conversation transforms from an explorative exercise about a specific topic to a total war hell storm where they just keep launching shit out of their arsenal hoping to come up with anything the other guy doesn't have a defense for, and then using that undefended assault as a justification for their beliefs. And it's experiences like that which inspire things like this....