Originally posted on 09/10/2012:

Those on the left continue to claim they are intellectually superior to those on the right:

However, its ALWAYS those on the left whining and complaning about how unfair everything is.

Its ALWAYS those on the left praying for hope and change while those on the right want the status quo to remain the same.

Its ALWAYS those on the left that strongly support re-distribution of wealth policies.

Detroit is a shining example of what happens after decades of liberal leadership. A city that was once a beacon of productivity is now experiencing first hand what happens when liberals succeed at chasing away conservatives.

Detroit is dealing with a steadily increasing number of liberal democrats all with their hands out demanding more and more social services while contributing next to nothing by way of tax revenue.

On the flip side, conservatives (who use far less social services while at the same time pay almost all of the taxes collected) continue to leave the city in droves. They are fleeing Detroit because of the increased level of violent crime committed by those on the left as well as having to deal with liberal city politicians hell bent on trying to raise more tax revenue to pay for the increased demand of social services needed by those on the left. Detroit is by no means an isolated event as most of the major cities throughout the country are experiencing the same type of problems.

As long as life-long welfare collectors have the same voting power as a Mitt Romney, things are only going to get worse in the U.S. and that $16 TRILLION deficit figure is going to continue to skyrocket upwards.

Our founding forefathers envisioned these type of problems over 200 years ago which is why they saw fit to exclude 80% of the population from being able to vote. Not surprisingly, all of the groups that were originally excluded from the voting process all vote OVERWHELMINGLY democratic today.

Unfortunately, the chances are good that we as a country have gone well past the point of no return. However, the collapse of the U.S. will come much, much sooner if we elect politicians like Barack Obama to the oval office.