Originally <a href='/showthread.php?p=15641476'>posted</a> on 08/12/2012:

To be fair, everything Frankie does gets overvalued because he is a manlet. Rogan was going nuts when frankie was landing glancing blows because it made his shrunken cell tech rooster hard when frankie reached up nearly jumping off the ground to punch Bendo.

It's like the movie "Rudy". The coach humors some manlet and lets him play one meaningless play where the defenders don't even cover him and let him get a meaningless sack because the crowd was cheering for him. The QB was probably laughing when Rudy tackled him like when you let your dog tackle you. But for some reason other manlets find this "inspiring".

This is just like Frankie Edgar fights. Just like BJ Penn fights. Funniest part was when he threw his little manlet hat.