Originally posted on 08/04/2012:

I'm not reading all the replies so if I say anything that's already been said I apologize in advance.

1: She's needy. I don't have to see any of the correspondence between the 2 of you to know she is needy with a side of desperate and topped off with psycho. That may sound a little like general profiling but there is some experience (for me anyways from 98' thru 06') to back it up.

2: Any woman with a kid who is willing to have a online dating service dude spend the entire weekend right out of the box, see #1.

3: 4 hours from home makes that "oh shit emergency call, I gotta go" escape plan kind of tricky.

4: What's her number? It's been a while and I already have experience in dealing with chicks described in #1 plus I'm a fat fok with limited available options but I make for one fok'n desirable online Prince Charming.