Originally posted on 08/05/2012:

Erick King: Thank you for contacting Live Chat Service. How may I assist you today?

B: Hi.. I noticed you had a lot of great promos and wanted to post up here for football.. but while looking for reviews I saw a site called Sports Book Review. Some people were claiming they weren't getting paid? It all seems like a joke though, a strange guy named JJ gold has a video.. Is this all for entertainment or is that serious?

Erick King: We pay our players at all time

B: So that site is more just people post funny videos etc?

Erick King: They are focus in sportsbooks

B: Do you know that guy JJ gold? Why did he make a video saying someone can't get 15k?
B: The site seems shady, you guys have good reviews everywhere else

Erick King: We do not know that person

B: he wears a wig in alot o the videos I looked at

B: Can I send you a pic of him?

Erick King: Why?

B: Maybe you will reconigize him.. He also uses the name Mike Corbin?
B: Is that familiar?

B: middle initial J

Erick King: ok

B: so you do know him?
B: he looks pretty banged up..

Erick King: Its not necessary

B: can i get a 2 grand freeplay if send you a link to the site? you may not be familiar?

B: no rollover

Erick King: All freeplays have rollover

B: how much for 2k for the link

B: 4?

Erick King: They are several
B: If I gave you JJ Gold's address can I get a 2k freeplay with 4 times rollover?

B: ?

Erick King: I'm sorry for the delay. I'll be right with you...

Erick King: 6x rollover

B: Done.. talk to you tomorrow at noon