Originally posted on 08/03/2012:

I have been searching for a long-term solid 'capper for 30+ years with no luck, so went to The Sports Monitor & Sports-watch to get some perspectives on records. I then compiled a spreadsheet & contacted the top 10 to assess ROI (units won - costs). Given my experiences and in an effort to diversify and minimize risk, I have been carrying 3 services for the last 8-10 years. Usually, I have one of the Swami.com guys but they are WAY OVER PRICED and may not fill your needs. I then tend to fill in the other two and have dabbled with Stonewall Sports, Oskeim, Wayne Root, the Sportsmemo crew and others. Again, all of them are not cheap so you need a decent bankroll & need to wager > $300 / game. Last year, I was looking for someone to replace Oskeim's Platinum Club which basically sucks and plays high-priced money-lines. I stumbled upon Handicappersports (Craig Astor) and they wound up winning the NFL & NBA titles in the above mentioned monitors. The best part is that they were DIRT CHEAP compared to my other high-priced options. You may want to at least see what they have and if it meets your needs. For me, I'm back to them + a Swami service + ???.

Good luck and welcome to the fraternity!