Originally posted on 07/23/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by TheCentaur View Post
I wasn't wearing a cross around my neck though. I took it off before I went in The thing about it is she made a conscious decision to put a necklace with a cross around her neck knowing she was going in to be a whore for money all night. I just dont get that.
Yeah, and that's your personal right to view your own religious convictions that way. But asking her why she was wearing it is tantamount to telling her it's wrong. Far from being a bizarre reaction on her part, I could easily see you getting a slap in the face saying that to the wrong stripper.

If you stop and think about how both of you acted I think even you would be able to find a pretty good case to say she was acting like the 'better' christian in every respect. Not hiding the icon of her faith, maybe because she didn't think she was doing anything wrong and you knew you were. Going to work to earn a legal living, versus a person who came to leer at her and ashamed of it before his god.

I could go on, but you would be better to make these realizations yourself. You'll not only be a better christian but a better person. No need to judge people, and never without walking a mile in their shoes.