Originally posted on 07/21/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by PickWinnerAllDay View Post
Right... call her and ask her yourself who dumped who. She might throw up when she hears your voice but after that have a nice long conversation, dearie.

And yeah, I'm sure you'll be here sticking your foot in your mouth when I post videos walking around Northwestern Law, right? Tell you what, Shari... put your money where your mouth is on this and it'll be interesting. What will you do if I can prove without a shadow of doubt I'm attending Northwestern Law in the fall?
How can I explain this to you politely?

I really hope the kid who chargebacked and attempted to extort an SBR sponsor under one of his many usernames is finally going to law school after saying last year that he was already attending. I truly do hope that your fantasy has become a reality.

However whether you become an ambulance chaser or a guy who chases the tires on an ambulance, it honestly won't have an effect on my life.

Do you get that? Forums aren't the real world. After even surpassing me with the number of posts you've made on here I would've thought that you had learned to post to the post. Don't like something I say? Respond to the words. Immediately you told me to "apologise for your extremely stupid post". As if anyone would listen to you at all but do you really think you're in a position to judge after all of your bullshit? How about ask why I or others feel the way we do and TALK. Like adults. I've seen you say many horribly racist things about blacks. However now you're offended because I had assumed this red haired spray painted Batman talking psycho baby murdering fukkwit was white? Why?

7 out of 10 is the majority. I never claimed to be unique.