Originally posted on 07/17/2012:

We can debate, argue and bitch from now till the end of time and none of it will make a difference. The plain truth is there is not a decent candidate. It will continue to be a repetitive cycle of liars, crooks and self indulging hypocrites.

We are a nation of have and have nots. The haves feel entitled and the have nots feel owed and both sides are complete idiots. The haves didn't get to where they are without some serious sweat off the backs of the have nots. The have nots aren't have nots because the opportunity isn't there for them to become the haves.

You can spin it anyway you want but you don't have a better option available in the current Presidential Race and until the collective bar is raised it won't get any better in our lifetime because as is represented right here in this thread the people with the real power can't get past their own ignorance and personal interest to make a difference for the better. Whomever is elected we have noone to blame but ourselves.