Originally <a href='/showthread.php?p=15394422'>posted</a> on 07/17/2012:


you gotta get up PRIT-----------------------------TY early in the morning to pull one over on ole Opie.

why? is opie an elitest genius? no. it is simply because opie has something known as COMMON SENSE........something that there used to be a lot of in America, but that now you can only find in remote corners of the country where common sense survives, such as in speaches by Tim Pawlenty and Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmen and Newt Gingrich and MITT ROMNEY and Glenn Beck and Rush Limbough and at places like CONSERVATIVE conventions and ALEC and basically anything Karl Rove touches and also of course the Koch Brothers and most Wall St bankers

but one guy who also has it is OPIE - you simply CANNOT fool him or trick him with libtard Nazi Marxist socialist propaganda, he will see RIGHT THROUGH IT

guy is SHARP, you want to bullsh*t someone, trust me, find someone else, it will not work on opie