Originally posted on 07/10/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by itchypickle View Post
Obama doesnt flip flop.
  • Voted against increasing the debt limit; then supported raising it.

  • Campaigned against the Bush tax cuts; then extended all of them.

  • Promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term; then proposed trillion dollar deficits.

  • Vowed the unemployment rate would be below 8% if his stimulus was passed; but then it broke 10%.

  • Promised shovel ready jobs; then admitted they weren’t shovel ready.

  • Said if you like your health plan you can keep it; but then threw seniors off Medicare Plus and employers are now saying they’ll dump people onto the public exchange.

  • Promised to have health care negotiations on live TV, but then reversed himself.

  • Indicated Bush violated the Constitution; then carried out warrantless wiretaps, indefinite detentions, secret renditions, quadrupled drone attacks, and kept Guantanamo Bay open. Voted against the Patriot Act, but then supported its extension.

  • Said lobbyists wouldn’t work in the White House; then gave them waivers to work there.

  • Vowed to take public financing for his 2008 campaign; then refused public financing when he realized he would receive more money without it.