Originally posted on 07/08/2012:

We need an official "bitch about fees" thread sticked at the top. These threads pop up every day. Getting kind of sick of them. We will never have NETELLER back. Pretty sure most books will send you a check for free every month.

If you choose to pay the outrageous **/** fees then YOU are making the decision that those FEES have less value than getting your immediately. Shit even with neteller it would take three days to hit your bank account. Most books are popping out checks in a few days.

Maybe books charge high fees because they want to sway people from withdrawing the cash they know you will be sending back to them next week?

What do you expect someone to show up at your doorstep in 2 min when you want a withdraw hand you cash, and all for free?

You can decide not to use their same day payout method and just get a check. If your book won't send you a check for free every month. Get a new book. End these discussionsss please.