I've been working all my life with old people, one of the worst things that happen as we age is depression. Feeling loneliness, unable to make an extra buck other that a miserable retirement check, low sex drive or not sex drive at all, sick, sorry for bad decisions in past life, physical limitations, negative thought, and many other things that come with age.

And I can tell you this, the old people I know who love sports betting but are not degenerative gambler are rarely depressed. Most of them bet only a few bucks like a hobbie and spend hours handicapping and talking about sports, watching sports. They are not sad for being along, they want to be along to watch the games in peace, they dont spend time thinking how sick are they or the past mistakes or how little sex thay have. They are betting, watching sports and loving it.

So the real queation of this thread should be what is the life expectancy of a degenerative gambler. Which is lower that average. But a smart bettor I think it is the same as the general population or even better if betting is the only addiction. Most people have some addiction to raise their serotonin levels, food, alcohol, drugs, caffeine, porn, TV, extreme sports. Of all that smart betting is a winner.