I have the privilege of volunteering at a hospice for almost 10 years now and I get to know a lot of families of terminal patients and the patients themselves. Without a doubt the majority of patients that express any regret are usually only regrets along the line of "wish I would've spent more time with family" or some variant of that. I never once heard a patient say they wish they would've made more money, bought bigger house, or had nicer cars. Towards the end of life your priorities defiantly shift for the most part.
On a similar note, the happiest patients that we care for are the ones that have family and friends surrounding them in their last days. It makes me think that family Nd friends are truly much more important than any earthly treasures. On the contrary the truly heartbreaking ones are the patients who have no friends or family members visit them and they pass away in relative obscurity. just some food for thought