I dont see how any of these guys beat obama, the republican message doesn't resonate w indep. thinking people...
only people that dont like obama because of his race or who only vote on social/religious issues...
the one liners like "Job Creators" -create where??? china and india...

"food stamp president" -during the 2nd G. Depression in american history??? -brought on by 2 wars for corp. interests and rampant wallstreet fraud? Im guessing, FDR was the Soup and Bread Line president???...

"lower taxes across the board" even though taxes 4 the last 10 yrs have been the lowest they have been in decades???...

"unlike Obama, we actually think work is good"??? -even though it’s becoming harder and harder to gain wealth through hard work. In the past 10 years, wages for jobs involving hard work have been stagnant, while shuffling money and securities around has become incredibly profitable. Rather than working hard, a much more effective way to become wealthy these days is by defrauding people out of their homes and retirement funds they gained through years of "hard work"

these one-liners dont work anymore, people are smarter... the only way the republicans win is if they nomiate someone different like Ron Paul, or the religous voting and racists republicans all come out and vote in mass numbers and alot of indep. stay home because they see no diff. in the 2 parties, and come to the conclusion nothing will ever change, until the whole thing comes crashing down one day.

Newt G. trying to paint himself as a "washington outsider, against the establishment", is a joke, that will only work on the same people that sara palin can con like she does.