Originally posted on 01/20/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by opie1988 View Post

Look, pal....I like you. But are you seriously this fukkin' stupid?

Stop being a fukkin' idiot and posting pics of illegal drugs online. Do you realize shit like this NEVER goes away?

Hopefully there will be a day when you're going to wish you hadn't done things like this.
I always have an out. The main one being my morals.

Drugs are the leading cause of crime, not because people are getting high and committing crimes but simply because drugs are illegal. If you legalize drugs, you instantly cut crime in half. Our prisons are literally filled with people who just wanted to get a buzz, but due to anti-drug legislation, these addicts are forced to deal in a dangerous black market with no regulation or preventative care (like with alcohol and tobacco). Eventually society will realize how stupid this and the war on drugs are and end prohibition. That is a lock!

People who use drugs are going to do them regardless of any chance of arrest or punishment. Research has shown that making stiffer or more harsh penalties does not deter people at all. Rather, we need to educate people about drugs and their consequences and let the individual decide what is right for them. You can't force people to live how you want them to. You can teach them the ropes, but ultimately you must let them climb on their own.

People are worried that legalizing drugs would ruin society; but ask yourself, if drugs were suddenly legal, would you rush to grab some coke or heroin down at your local store? NO, of course not! If you don't use drugs, you have decided that they are not a life choice you want to make; hopefully not simply because drugs are illegal but because as a free and responsible individual, you just don't want to use them.

Legalizing drugs would free up our policing and correctional units to go after and deal with real crime. It would eliminate the black market and allow big multi-national pharmaceutical companies to produce safer and more potent drugs. The government would tax sales (like they do with alcohol/tobacco) and push the revenue back into education. People would be free to live their life!