I was a pretty big Obama supporter in 2008 and I'm pretty sure I won't be voting this time around unless Newt somehow wins the republican nomination (which hopefully won't happen). Then I will 100% vote for Obama. Newt is absolutely the worst type of republican. Karl Rove and Newt Gingrich are about as bad as it gets.

Although I don't think Romney will win at least he seems like a decent guy and not some lunatic. Paul may be a lunatic but he has some radical ideas that may actually be good for the country, I'm not really sure but the guy will change some shiz. Either of these candidates seem alright, I guess.

This is the best way to see who is the worst of the worst when it comes to Republicans:
Find out who Rush Limbaugh and other right wing media jokers are supporting. That candidate is guaranteed to be the worst possible president.
Find out which Republicans Limbaugh talks down about and says they are not "conservatives": (Paul, Romney) those are ok candidates and most likely won't ruin the country or bring it to the brink of collapse (ala bush)