Time value of money analysis only works if you're either giving something up where you would be making money to do, or you find no value in the entertainment of the thing you're doing. Personally I enjoy playing poker, the fact that I can win money doing it is an added bonus but its not the only reason I play, and I would imagine I am not alone. I would imagine most, even professional, players don't play poker because its an easy way to make money even though they hate it. Especially for professionals, there's 1,000 ways to hustle if you're smart and most pro players are really smart.

Beyond that your analysis doesn't factor in the fact that there's no additional time cost for the chance to win the 2500 betpoints. Every time you enter a tournament for an hour or so you have the chance to win up to 600 poker points(with a rollover of course), therefore you aren't just playing for the world cup points you are playing for the individual tournament points as well as the possibility of world cup points. So its really, 55 tournaments for the chance to win up to 33000 sbr poker points and 2500 betpoints. I won't presume to put an exact value on 33000 rolled over points but lets just say you can reasonably roll over at least 50% of them reliably with steady play that's a chance at 16500 betpoints + 2500 betpoints or a chance at up to 19000 betpoints which is the chance at up to $930 for 57 hours of work + whatever time it takes to rollover that many points lets say another 50 hours, so thats like $10/hr but again you're not doing something you hate and chances are you'd just be dicking around with that time anyway not doing something constructive that would earn you money.