Originally posted on 12/27/2011:

Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post

you guys have no clue of past history
I buried this guy for years
I had balls to go up to the guy and say who I was

No one else would after all shit i said about him

I win again here

LMAO I criticize and crucify people for the past decade on the forums. I certainly wouldnt go looking them up and introduce myself. he made you sound like some teen age girl and he was Justin beiber, and it was sort of believable.

I have also seen a few of these guys around town in the past and basically wouldnt acknowledge their existence. Couple of the bashes they had guys would come up and ask me if i was 'wanti' or want or that guy who writes novels on the posting forums. I would say yes and that was about it.

I am certainly no JJ Gold either. I have my reputation but it isnt nearly what you have tried to cultivate over the past 10 years or so.

I buried the Shrink for 5 years on his own site then when he bought opened the EOG I buried him there too. But every time I showed up at a bash it was just a party. basically it showed how much the guy cared about what guys said about him, because no matter what, he had bought enough 'friends' to not let the truth interfere with a good drunk.

Same thing with Fezzik and Kiss1, and a few other toads who liked to shoot their mouths off. You see them in person and it is just sad.

But I don take anything here personally, but when I criticize people for real it generally has some validation behind it, and verifiable. So there isnt too much argument about it. Some guys dont like geting called out and they make a big deal of it, but for the most part in person most guys cave, sort of like you did. Sad part with you is he didnt 'confront' you you sought him out. Completely bizarre.

Come on JJ youre supposed to be better than that. Some forum noob looking to make a name for themselves or rub elbows with the 'big' timers might do that but not you.