Quote Originally Posted by Extra Innings View Post
You better hope he never googles "Forest Lake for Christ 2006"

and I wanna quote also baskets who pointed out (quite accurately in my estimation): "that guy looks like he's had a dick up his ass." because some when viewing that video would find among their first thoughts to be 'what reason would there be that a man would wear pants like that?' and the conclusion thats its because he's had a dick up his ass doesn't seem like a far-fetched one. Theres definitely a reason that a man wears pants that see the back of those way up in his ass crack. That shot is just strange.

Theres some thing psychologically wrong with this man. He's very likely had a dick up his ass at some point. Possibly when he was using a tape measure to measure a wall. Might be foreplay we're seeing in that video.

In his world anyway.

Maybe he was looking in your mail for something for him. Maybe he gets his mail forwarded when he visits.

Two weeks is a hella long time.

You are a strong and intelligent person though. While I do not approve in the least of a guest coming in and caulking up a non-leaking bathroom in such a manner that, after their caulking, the bathroom then leaks know that the incredulous nature of such and the way you described it brought laughter to me.

Embicial fuggin up your bathroom = bad but you know as well as I do that you wrote of it well and if it made me laugh out fuggin loud the idiota 'n their behavior are gifting you with solid literature and comdedy-stage material gold.

speakin' of gold I wanted to give j.j. a point for that first post of his in this thread but that shit was just too insane, too counter the peaceful zen-nature I'm supposed to be about and yeah...if they ever google forest lakes whatever....we're all harpooned.

Shit like you're being made to endure only makes us stronger....you were blessed with amazing family yourself. Not everyone is so fortunate. Try to assert your own will....try to set some boundaries with these people.

It is YOUR FUGGIN HOUSE and they have no right to come into your castle (however backwards and mentally obliterated they are) and fug up the bathroom or measure walls to change the interior. Politely and non-aggressively...set some Ground Rules. Call a Family meeting wherein only you speak until you decide they should respond. Express earnestly and from the heart what behaviors of theirs are unacceptable to you. Among these include that they should not ask for your advice on bulking up if they are gonna immediately continue fuggin jogging. You distinctly told them to cut that out.

She is an amazing girl. If she wasn't you wouldn't put up with this shit for a minute let alone......2 weeks.

Worth having to endure this idiot with pants up in his ass crack and a mind that somehow permits redecorating other people's walls without their asking.....

she is an amazing girl.

and they're not around that often.....it's hellish, yeah, time drags and to pull up to the sound of a fuggin trumpet I'd have....personally wondered if they hadn't decided to re-enact the damn Pax Romana in BlackDress all over again or if their lord had stopped by (finally) but dude....

turn it to your advantage, these people are comedy GOLD, develop a....whatever they call it when an artist creates under another name, a fake name, "pen name" maybe and write or tell the world about this shit. Others have made bank informing us on their in-laws craziness. No one has had anything close to this though.

You could very well make enough off stories about this trainwreck of in-laws to afford a 2nd house out behind your own house that they could show up and just do whatever the fug they wanted to....

prayer meetings shit whatever. Put tile on the garage floor.

Point being, of course: You are the Sun within this universe, idiot planets eventually retreat back into that darkness. Bless'd Be and Happy New Year.