Originally posted on 12/02/2011:

Quote Originally Posted by Sunde91 View Post
joke's on you SBR posters, from Walker himself

the shari experiment was a smashing success with all the clowns obssessing over her, but it's nearly run its course

So Walker just threw you all some peanuts with another female to gush over. hook line and sinker
You're right. John orchestrated for EOG to sack Blondie with no notice just so she can take over the T&A vids that I normally throw up weekly with my token MNF pick.

John, you should probably be a little more stealthlike in your next great forum scheme for your site that is clearly hurting for traffic. It's embarrassing when the Sunde91's of the world figure you out so quickly. Because you know, chicks obviously aren't hired because they can actually do the job or anything.