Ok, this is why people get married.

Biologically, we are on this planet for 2 reasons: to survive and replicate. Why that is, I've been searching for an answer to for years. The end result of this constant survival and replication is still a mystery. Anyway, knowing that the two main objectives for our existence are survival and replication, we can then narrow it down to gender. The human brain has barely evolved from that of the first homo sapiens. It has grown in intelligence due to socialization, but our emotions, and the way we react to things is almost identical.

So women, back then and now, are seen as having replication value. If we recall, replication is one of the MAIN objectives of our existence. For men, they want to simply extend their genetic line. For women, though, their main objective is survival. For a woman, then as now, men represent survival value, the 2nd main reason for our existence. Throughout history, it has predominantly MEN protecting their females, be it through going to war, or simply defending the tribe. Men's lives are often cut short by this, but they have successfully accomplished their duty as long as their genetic line continues.

All this lead to a natural balance, with women basically exchanging the replication value, in order for protection from their men. There was a natural balance for centuries. Nowadays though, women seem to want to be successful themselves. This disrupts the natural balance, as men will NO LONGER have survival value. Men would be useless, while women will ALWAYS have replication value for a man because she has her womb, it is not going anywhere.

Anyway, to relate this to marriage. Marriage is one of the rituals that separates homo sapiens from other species, and which gives us an advantage over them. Most other species are raised by their mother ONLY, while homo sapiens have adopted marriage as a way to nurture the child as best as possible. In prehistoric times, homo sapien women stood no chance of protecting their children, so 1. She stuck onto the child's father in her tribe for survival value. And he protected her and the tribe to ensure his genetic line continued. When women had sex and the man did not stick around, her fatherless children would slow her down during nomadic migrations and eventually she would be left behind to perish with her children.

So we see that marriage is basically an exchange of values, men's survival value for women's replication value. If you notice, it is usually men who want children with women which we deem to have good genetics (good looking etc...). This ensures their genetic line will prosper. Women by and large do not want children for the same reason. They want children in order to LOCK IN THE MAN. By having children with their husbands, they know they have locked in their medium of survival value. This is why women want to have children with men who have power or are able to sustain them, because it ensures their survival. I have seen many television shows with single mothers, and they are extremely unhappy. If they aren't on Maury trying to find the father in order to find what should have been their survival value, they are working two jobs trying to make ends meet. Ask them if they wish the child was never born, and they say things like 'she's my little miracle' etc... but deep down they know their lives would be better if they did not have the child. Octomom stated on Oprah she wished she never had any of her kids. If she had secured a man (ie the survival value), I'm sure she would not have said that.

Even in the institution of marriage, one in which we consider spiritual, we find it is still biology that controls it. And the most frightening thing is that nothing has changed in 50 000 years. Biology is still controlling us, even in ways we cannot comprehend.

For example, men may say that if their only purpose is to survive and replicate, then why do they also enjoy playing video games, or other fun activities. The answer is this: Fun activities are basically just triggers for dopamine and serotonin neurotransmitters, and studies show that people with healthy doses of these live longer. So this is MEN's survival instinct. So yes, biology is controlling you yet again. When you think something is fun, it is merely your brain interpreting it as 'activity A = more serotonin = longer life'.

Even wonder why things make you sad? Same reason, your brain sees them as a threat to your happiness (and thus survival), and lowers your neurotransmitter levels so you feel bad and try to avoid the unhappy situations.

I have much more to say on the subject, but I'm assuming you sheep will come in here and try to refute me because you can't handle the truth. It doesn't matter if you're married. Just realize it's fake and you did it just to fulfill your biological imperative.