Originally posted on 10/06/2011:

I love Herman Cain. Love him even more for what it will force libs to do to destroy him.

They will have to convince black voters that the rich black kid with a white mother, that went to private schools, attended Ivy league schools, doesn't fit the classic definition of a sell out

but the black man born to poor parents in the Southern United States, with a cleaning lady mother and a father that worked three jobs, is an uncle tom.

when the fukk are black folks gonna see they are getting played by dems and the media every day? it makes me laugh and cry at the same time. but if you choose to remain uninformed and ignorant, then you deserve 70% of babies born to single moms, government run schools with graduation rates below 50% (under 20% in urban Detroit), 20%+ unemployment among young black men. if you are too blind to see it isn't Da Man ruining your families, then fukk you. Detroit is the perfect example, as is Michigan as a whole. keep voting democrat, blaming republicans, while unions and dems keep you broke, stupid and without hope. it's easier this way, they know where to find you when they need you every 4 years.