-How can models possibly still win in football? There is knowledge of defensive and offensive game plans that simply can't be modeled. And I nearly die of laughter anytime I hear someone say they use yards per play as a predictive statistic.

-Would you say you bet more 2nd halves or full game lines in the NFL? College?

-Maybe I can finally get this question answered: Best programming language that I could learn enough about to be able to start building a model in 6 months? I'm not necessarily looking for the easiest one. I want the one that will best help me far down the road in future projects as well.

-Vegetarian? IDK why, I just have a hunch.

-Why is Cameron Diaz so hot after all these years?

-How much do you bet per game on average?

-How angry do you get when people use words like "let down, clutch, must win, bounce back" or "want it more" as handicapping jargon?

-Do you often find yourself laughing at opening lines?

-How could books possibly undervalue the Phillies this year? Last fukkin' team they should've(somehow) underestimated.

-Is the penis size of sharps bigger than that of squares on average?