Originally posted on 08/14/2011:

Quote Originally Posted by BigdaddyQH View Post
Tell me how many drug pushers have you arrested selling to 8 year olds? How many drug dealers have you shot it out with? How many people do you know who have lost loved ones to some idiot who was driving under the influence of drugs? People are inherently stupid. They have no brains. All they know is what they want NOW. They never think about the future. Obviously neither do you. What you want is a green light to do whatever you want. Here is a clue. It is not going to happen. People like myself control people like you because we have to. We do not necessairily like to, but if we do not, anarchy will rule the world, and people like yourself would be dead. So stop giving me your Libertarian crap about doing whatever you want as long as it does not bother anyone else. The fact is that he weed you buy probably comes from a dealer who bought it from a drug lord who kills others to stay in power. Try thinking for once in your life. People like myself have the power. People like you do not. Make the best with what you have.
You're a lemming. You only follow because someone has told you to do so. Free thinkers and you can never debate anything because you're brainwashed and lack critical thinking abilities while free thinkers are open to discussion and challenges. Your argument is wrong on so many levels that it's hard to even find somewhere to start. The fact that you think all people are inherently stupid shows just how ignorant and stupid YOU are. All I can do is think about the future because the present has already been ruined. Libertarianism is NOT Anarchy and people who associate the two don't know anything about politics and should just shut up before they embarrass themselves anymore. I (and every other Libertarian) believe in government and it's sole legal, moral, and logical function of protecting individual rights, both within (policing, judicial, corrections) and abroad (military). Other than that, government shouldn't be doing anything.

Instead, they arbitrarily decide what is right and what is wrong. When they choose to ban a substance, they automatically create a black market. The reason black markets are so lucrative and enticing for the lower classes is because the threat or danger of prosecution that users and suppliers face is nothing compared to the absurd prices they can charge. Obviously, it isn't the well respected companies like WalMart, BP, GE, etc. that is looking to get into these markets because the threat of punishment is far greater a problem than someone who "has nothing to lose". So basically, you have no regulation, no barriers to entry, no education required, no standards, no nothing... Just a lot of money to be made and a huge demand; so who else is a black market going to attract other than the people who are ALREADY criminogenic. Now you have the scum of scums with lots of money and power (drug lords as you call them) who are killing to ensure that their multi-billion dollar industry doesn't collapse. Well Mr. America, maybe you should look at the cause instead of the result and you'll find your problem.

Legalize all drugs, educate your society about them, and let people choose whether or not they want to use drugs. Regulate the product and make it safe. Implement warning labels and rules around drugs to make it safer (just like alcohol and cigarettes). Tax the sales of drugs to offset the added stress of controlling the substance. Just do anything other than what we do right now which is pretend it's criminal and sweep the convicts under the rug... Lock 'em up and forget about them.

If you were compassionate like a Libertarian is, you wouldn't be able to turn your back on those who need our support the most.