It still mystifies me how these debates just... suck.

Sports betting is so easy. All you need is intro stats and basic knowledge of a sport. Sometimes you barely even need the latter. Get relevant data and translate it into a prediction (i.e. odds). Compare your odds to the bookmaker's. If there is a discrepancy then pump and pound.

Some guys on here think it's impossible to do this because they want to know what a starting pitcher had for breakfast (oatmeal or McDonalds), and since they don't know they think there is no point trying to make their own odds because they don't have all the possible information. These guys are losers and should honestly be banned from a forum called "Think Tank". (I'm talking about Wrecktangle types, who are obviously unemployed welfare-collecting university drop outs that have an axe to grind with anyone who has knowledge). We have all disagreed with Justin/MF/durito/etc at times but at least we know what they're saying and why they're arguing about it.