I wish I never looked, but I did and I did again. I then told myself I didn't want to see it anymore, but watched it again. Why?, why do we do this as human's. Why did Fox Sports have to film this. being 35 years old and a father of three, I broke down crying in my office while watching this. I have had bad dreams for two straight nights also. It just so happens my Girls were out of town when this happen Thursday night. When I came home Friday after work and seen their smiling faces I hugged them so hard, they said "DAD!!!!! I CANT BREATH!".

Maybe if the fan was drunk, I might not care as much, maybe if his kid wasn't there I would care as much. I do not know what it is exactly, but I am an emotional wreck from this. I have seen death in all forms in my 10 years as a cop. I have seen Suicide, Execution, Electrocution, Overdose, Vehicle Accident, Natural Death all up close and personal. This was the worse by far for me. Is it because it brings me back to my childhood as a kid being at the park with my dad, I do not know.

I just wanted to share my thoughts with you guys, I needed to get it off my chest. I tried to explain it to my wife and she just doesn't get it. Is it because MY HUGE LOVE (Maybe to much) for Sports?

My thoughts and prayers go out to Jenny Stone and her son Cooper Stone. I also wish Youtube and Espn and Fox Sports would remove and burn that video for ever.

Life is short and cruel, live your life and love your kids.

God Bless
