The old odds platform used 7 servers and would need more. It wasn't scalable. To fix or add something like new sportsbook odds or the future dynamic betting spreadsheet, it takes 6x longer than it would for modern platform. It was a good product for its time and got us to this point but...Im sorry guys, she's gone.

That said, we can do a tribute to her. We're going to do a skin option for the guys that prefer the colors and controls. You'll never have to fully say goodbye. It should be about a week.

If you liked something the old odds had, or any odds program has as a feature or interface, the best thing to do is make sure we have the request. Regardless of styles, the new odds are more accurate and will be mistake proof and are much faster. New people who come and see it on are making it the most popular feature we have and we are going to keep adding to it. We'll be starting a wiki like Google projects have and you can see where your favorite upgrades are in the queue.