
It seems that you enjoy going to great lengths to point out the fault in others. I know you profess to only speaking the truth, but speaking what you believe in your own mind does not necessarily make it the truth. People that spend so much time finding faults in others frequently suffer from unhappiness in their own life, insecurities, attention seeking and/or jealousy. I do not profess that America is the best at everything, like every other country on Earth there are many improvements and changes that can be made. I am proud to be from the United States and from Texas, but this is also a natural human reaction, taking pride in where you are from. You make many broad insulting generalizations about Americans that are just patently false and hope that your verbose prose can hide your own ignorance. It only makes your own ignorance ring that much louder. You seem to take great pleasure in berating and discounting the intelligence, knowledge and experience of others, in what appears as a vain attempt to boost your own ego. Mayan is the perfect example. I for one would much rather rely on Mayan's unique talents, skills and knowledge as an ex-marine if i were in a hostile situation. I think I would be more willing to have him lay down some effective cover fire to save my ass than your own perceived cutting repartee. I have no ill will towards Canadians or Canada in general, there are many great Canadians on this forum that represent their country well, but you are not one of them. Until Canada becomes the perfect utopian society you should focus all that rage on problems in your own backyard and not so quick to point out the problems in others.