Originally posted on 05/29/2011:

Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
JW, do you live in the U.S.? IF you do, then it makes sense to continue the discussion about our medical care delivery system. If you don't, then its a waste of time for both of us.
Yes I do I have also lived in France, Canada and the Uk and would rather have any one of those systems than the one we have here in the US .. as would every single one of the people that I know that now live in the US that have in the past lived somewhere that had some form of universal healthcare. (hundreds of people)

Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
1. Do socialized medical care delivery systems provide UNLIMITED LIFE-LONG DIALYSIS treatments to all the people that need it even if they can't afford to pay. THE U.S. MEDICAL CARE SYSTEM DOES.
Of course they do ... that is why it is there.

Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
2. Non-life threatening surgeries - In the U.S., people with regular medical insurance (either individual or group) can get orthoscopic laser knee surgeries done in a matter of days. Is this possible under socialized medical care plans around the world?
I have had non-life threatening surgeries in the Uk within a few weeks ... about the same amount of time I was able to get a minor surgery here in the US. SO the answer again is yes .. noy only is it possible .. its normal.

Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
3. Obama's plan requires 4 years worth of advance payments before the plan can be implemented and pay for the remaining 6 years. When the democrats are asked what happens in 2021, they reply that they will worry about it then. This pay 10 years for 6 years of benefits had to be done in order to keep the plan deficit neutral even using the most favorable projections possible by the Obama administration.
Obamas plan is a shit one .. it is a watered down version of what should have been passed ... you can thank the lobbyists and Republicans for this.

Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
Its just plain stupid money mismanagement and we're talking about the entire country's health care for Christ's sake. ObamaCare is so poorly thought out, its scary.
It is well thought out - but it was written for lobbyists and pharmaceutical/insurance companies .. not for individuals .. the plan for individuals was lost when the Republicans started whining and it was watered down.

Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
JW, if you dont live in the U.S. then you won't be negatively affected by the ObamaCare disaster when the whole plan falls apart. This makes your opinions on the matter 100% irrevelant. If you do live in the U.S. and have any form of medical insurance, then supporting ObamaCare is just plain nuts.
I live in the US - i'm a US citizen, I do have health insurance (which costs my employer $12k per year .. costs me an extra $5k approx per year in premiums and out of pocket expenses and covers me for 80% of any treatment I receive) .. on the other hand in the UK - I paid approx 1/3rd of that amount in taxes each year to be covered 100% for exactly the same level of healthcare that I get over here.

I don't want to take YOUR healthcare away - I want to have the choice of opting in to a government run healthcare that covers me 100% and that costs half as much as I am paying an insurance company now .. if you want to go ahead and pay an insurance company twice as much money for 80% of the coverage .. I have no objection to that ... but I should be able to chose to pay the government half as much money to cover my part of a government run system ...

Edit to add :


relevant discussion outlining my reasoning behind healthcare here in the US.

Let me ask you this .. have you ever lived in a country that has universal healthcare ?
If not .. as you yourself said .. continuation of the discussion is useless.