Originally posted on 10/26/2010:

Women are grown-up whimsical children who need to be dominated (sexually, intellectually, emotionally, financially, physically) and have their whorish nature constantly put in check by the man. Every women, unless a nose-ringed dyke, not only knows this to be absolutely true, be it consciously or subconsciously, but WANTS, NEEDS it that way. It's just programmed in the animal level of human psychology.

50 years ago, back in the glory days, this was mainstream fact, now, with feminism, we play this little game where we pretend women are equal and "professional" (right now I'm watching this slut Hannah Storm babbling about nothing on ESPN pregame in short skirt showing off legs next to two MEN in suits doing their job), but still know instinctively that nothing has changed..still just whores looking to be dominated.

You need to remind the woman guy...you've got big fuking problems if you see her as your "equal" in the relationship.