It would be the equivalent of giving everyone a drivers license because they turn 16.

Voting is a privilege by law, always has been always will be and the sad part is the people you vote for have zero power and are forced to join the power or be forced out for someone who will play the game.

This is why I feel bad for people who think one man is gonna make a difference,they play the same game every 8 years on the people and in that 8 years a whole new group of suckers come along and fall for it.

Nothing changes people,the people who tried to create a country free from tyranny experienced around the world for ages cried out to the world and in 12 short years they were crushed and put in line,all that has been happening for the past 200 years is the perfection of tyranny without rebellion

The idea of a free people was about fighting tyrants but the tyrants who haven't lost power for hundreds of years,they have simply turned the propaganda machine against the people and now we fight each other while the tyrants laugh as they speak about death from their star chambers