As the official cell phone expert I have 15 years in the wireless business and have personally sat in on many threatening phone calls.
It is my expert opinion that the alleged statment could not have been said in that amount of time unless it was a bot. Human beings can not talk that fast and with such perfect grammer. Therefore it could not have been EZ because they do not allow bots.
Lets examine the alleged phone call that took 15 seconds.
It is 13 syllables long. Taken into account the time that the person would have answered the phone with hello (2 syllables) and the pause to get the response from the other end there is with almost perfect certainty that the entire statement could not have been made in the 15 second phone call. If you plug the data into the quadratic equation and use a set number of variables alpha=syllables and beta=talk delay you can see that with .0009% certainty a human being could not have made this call. Add in the fact it was perfect english and grammer I conclude that EZ did not make this call and was probably a competitor that allows bot use for their programs.

I would release my entire findings but the language is very complex to I tried to put it in laymans terms.

This finding if official and binding

"The Expert"