Nobody will ever take over the United States by military force. They won't have to. We'll destroy ourselves long before that.

Moral bankruptcy comes long before financial bankruptcy.
The family unit has been destroyed by years of mass media and pop culture
Christian religion is laughed at by the media, all the while irresponsibility is glorafied
85% of women are out working mostly half ass unimportant jobs, not raising good quality kids for the future
Our schools aren't even in the top 33% of the world, run by activists and lunatics, mainly failures who can't get real jobs
we have some of the highest murder and crime rates in the world
About 25% of "adults" can't take care of themselves and are on food stamps
50% of kids are on food stamps because of their idiot parents who had them when they weren't ready

Just look at your high school class. Look at how many people who had kids and how successful they were. It's the losers having the kids while the successful people are not reproducing. What does that say about the quality of the people in the future? Is it the class president having 5 kids or is it the welfare queen, the hood rat, the redneck, and the grass mower?

Then look at what's happening with our money. Nobody has to do anything to it, Ben Bernanke is destroying it himself. Print another trillion dollars and give it to your banker buddies at Goldman Sachs nearly for free at .25%. How would YOU like to borrow money for .25%? Think you can earn some return on investment when you get money for free? When's the last time you borrowed money for a house/car/business at .25%?

The people that do slip through the cracks are getting hammered by guys like Obama who say they don't play by the rules, that they are greedy for not giving all their money to the government to pay for wars/failed social programs and deadbeats.

Basically we're ****** but the one thing we do have is a kick ass military. Nobody will ever take us over by force, we'll destroy ourselves much like the Roman Empire. I will not fault Obama for destroying us either. It's more like we are in a car driving towards a brick wall and Obama merely has his foot on the gas pedal. We were already going that way but he's pushing us that direction much sooner.