Originally posted on 04/06/2010:

This is where I will post my season long winning thread. I will start with the rules, picks will begin with the second series of the season. Any questions will be referred back to the thread containing the rules in most cases. Any of you that followed the system last year will remember it was a winning year. Also I will include my picks as I did last year.

The system is called the Conservative Chase System and is designed to win over the long haul. There will be losing days of course but if the rules are followed in the long season when it ends you should be ahead. Those who sent e-mails and pms, thanks I will get it started.

Here is last years thread

The rules:

System #2 Conservative Chase System (I like to pick from one to all of the picks, but normally just pick one or two out of each series filter)

This is a chase system. It is based on a three to four game chase. It always starts with the beginning of a new series picked only by the system. Otherwise I will refer to the chase as unofficial...

How it works...

System makes the pick, bet on game #1, if it wins that ends that series. If it is a loss we move onto game #2 of that same series. And a third bet within that series only if game #2 is a loss. Either way that chase ends at that point after game #3 with either a series win or a series loss. Much like the John Morrison Chase of a,b, and c. A win at any time within the three games end that series. If a series has three losses that also ends the series. A series is three games max and a minimum of one. I remember one thing people kept doing last year is mixing or extending series this is not part of this system!

So here are the rules to make this system a success...

This system is not a get rich quick scheme...it is meant to get someone through the year hopefully on the plus side. I spend between two to four hours at the beginning of each new series set working with the system gathering the needed stats then capping at second level of filters...there are 15 new series that start usually twice a week (30 teams, 15 series).

A. Game #1 starts out with a bet between .2 and 2 units... if a win that ends the bets on that series...there is no bet on game #2, #3.

If game #1 in series is a loss, we move to game #2. On game #2, we would bet a maximun of 1 unit or any amount up to that to show a profit. If a win that series ends at that point.

B. If game #2 is a loss. Here is where there is a major difference in this chase system.. We actually go back to a smaller bet on game #3. Betting up to the amount bet on game #2. So we do not double up at this point! we try to cut our losses and move onto next series. So from .2 (20) or whatever you are setting your numbers at, to 1 unit. If you do not follow these rules and chase with just doubling or risking crazy amounts that is your choice. I believe with this method there is a very nice chance we finish up for the year.

C. One last thing...there are sweeps normally a few in every new set of the 15 game series, so being on the wrong side is always a chance...and will happen once in a while... So remember this is a chase system with limited risk if you follow the rules. .

D. When should a game be skipped? Remember the system does not take into consideration pitching matchups, that is something I do in the second level of filters by reviewing every single pitching matchup in the upcoming 15 games. If there is a pitching change(injury), a callup from minors to start....usually a good time to skip a game win or lose, especially if our team makes the change.

E. The negative responses or those that try to change the system will be ignored. All that matters are the picks...When the system gives me the leans I will list them and you can cap or wait for me to cap and limit selections. I will go forward with capping the individual games. At that point the leans are limited and turn into the actual plays. I will list the leans and the actual picks will be bolded.

F. If I do not list a lean or play you like that means it did not clear a filter or there may be an injury or pitching change. I am not going to go into detail why a pick did not clear but will discuss picks that clear both the system filters and the second level which is the capping and are listed as plays.

I hope this answers all the questions I keep getting. G.