Originally posted on 04/07/2011:

Quote Originally Posted by xstud View Post
I'll admit to stealing a candy bar when I was five. Does that mean you- somebody I never stole from, or attempted to steal from- is justified in robbing me?

What more proof do you need? SBR and TheRX as well as Easystreet have verified over 20 books have BANNED him from play. Do you honestly think a person who is on the "up and up" would have this problem?
Oh, damn, maybe I stole 20 candy bars when I was five. Does that mean you, somebody I never stole from, or attempted to steal from, is justified in robbing me, just because I stole from somebody completely different in the past?

Of course not. It means you're nothing but a garden variety thief who chose an unsympathetic victim. Like somebody who goes and rapes a prostitute, because, hey, they do it for a living, so somehow it's less bad and nobody really cares about prostitutes, so it won't blow up in your face as much. You're still nothing but a piece of shit for doing it- hell, worse than a piece of shit for still trying to claim any other motivation when you're caught red-handed.

If all these chargebacks were on US soil Cory would be in jail right now with several felonies on his record for FRAUD.
LOL. You want to guess how many felonies and judgments you'd rack up if you set foot on US soil? I'll buy you a ******* plane ticket back home if you think you're clean.